This Web Ring is dedicated to
all of us who are
Caprice Classic Car Lovers.


If you own or have owned in the past a
1977 - 1990 Caprice Classic
Coupe, Sedan or Wagon
you are welcome to join in and share your Pictures & Stories.

Just got a email from Robert Archacki, who owns a 93 Caprice Wagon
He informed me of a site we all need to keep our eyes on.

Obsolete Chevy Parts

FYI sometime in the fall General Motors is starting a web page that will allow you to purchase new manufactured parts for discontinued Chevy vehicles

Hi, my name is Brenda
I am the Web Mistress for the Caprice Web Ring.

I created this Web Ring due to the fact that I could not find a Web Ring
or even a Car Club for the 1977 - 1990 Caprice.
I am always hunting on different search engines for others who have listed their Caprice's.

On the left side of this page is the Index. This will list the Stats from the Survey.
Information about each Caprice from 1977 - 1990 (still under construction).
And listing of different places to find parts for our Caprice's

If you have any suggestions or thoughts to add or inprove this
web ring I am open to all comments.

Items To Share....

To Obtain A Restoration Package On Your Caprice
Contact GM At: 1-800-222-1020.
You WIll Be Asked For Your VIN# & Year Of Your Caprice.

To the list on the left, I compiled the Total Survey Data to one page.

The Survey Date for each Car Year
has a link to a list page & you can pick your car year from that.

At the bottom of the index is a link to a list of Car Part places I have dealt with.
Please check them out, you might find that part you've been looking for.

Here is a new VIN Decoding Site, not like the original, but has good decoding data.Hemmings VIN Decoder

I am in the process of adding a Restoration Page
showing what other Caprice Owners are adding, changing or modifying to their Caprice.
If you are one of these brave souls
Please email me with photos & details
And I will be happy to post your data.

My Baby Turns 20 Years Old On: 12 May 2003
Her Birthday Party Photos will be listed after
the court case against the shop that hurt her is resolved.
(these are her 18th Birthday Pictures) Click Here

My cousin sent this CAPRICE ARTICLE to me
Click Here to Read about it.
It is about the 91 - 96 body style, but very interesting reading.

The Chevy Bow-Tie's were created by Pete, who has a site on this Ring.
I would like to thank him for his help & creating them.
Thank You Pete!!!

Please make sure you fill out all parts of the survey
except for email (optional)
so I can get an accurate count.
Please note: The Brougham was not produced till 1986.
I have been receiving submissions listing Brougham's for the Early 1980's (they were not born yet).

Also no Coupe's were produced in 1983,1988, 89 or 90.

573 Caprice Lovers have completly filled out the survey
May 10th 2002.
(sorry for the delay in updating the survey
my computer was hacked & I had to dump everything off & reinstall)


Meet some other Caprice Owners
who have not created their Web Pages yet.
Click Here

I would like to say a special "Thanks" to my mechanic's
at Ed's Mobil for keeping my "Baby" up & running.
Thanks to: Ed, Miles, Marty & Casey
I asked Ed if I could post his information on this site.
He said with a smile, "No I am busy enough already".
And he is, and is a very fair & honest man.

Click below to learn about the history
of my car & about my Uncle Mac who owned her.

This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit

SubmitFree: Submit to 25+ Search Engines for free !!!!

Survey Info Updated Weekly (sometimes monthly)
Last Update: 6 March 2003
Have a Happy Easter/Passover!!!